"Arthur Writes A Story/Arthur's Lost Dog" - Arthur (#112) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The World Record/The Cave" - Arthur (#504) 12:30 am
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 4:30 pm
"Arthur Plays The Blues/Buster's Sweet Success" - Arthur (#602) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 12:30 am
"Kids Are from Earth, Parents Are from Pluto/Nerves of Steal" - Arthur (#502) 4:30 pm
"Arthur's Baby/D.W.'s Baby" - Arthur (#111) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Kids Are from Earth, Parents Are from Pluto/Nerves of Steal" - Arthur (#502) 12:30 am
"Feeling Flush/Family Fortune" - Arthur (#1004) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"Feeling Flush/Family Fortune" - Arthur (#1004) 12:30 am
"The World Record/The Cave" - Arthur (#504) 4:30 pm
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 7:30 pm
"Arthur's Baby/D.W.'s Baby" - Arthur (#111) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The World Record/The Cave" - Arthur (#504) 12:30 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 3:30 am
"Kids Are from Earth, Parents Are from Pluto/Nerves of Steal" - Arthur (#502) 4:30 pm
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 7:30 pm
"Arthur's Chicken Pox/Sick As A Dog" - Arthur (#118) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Kids Are from Earth, Parents Are from Pluto/Nerves of Steal" - Arthur (#502) 12:30 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 3:30 am
"D.W. Aims High/Flaw and Order" - Arthur (#1005) 4:30 pm
"Muffy's Soccer Shocker/Brother, Can You Spare A Clarinet?" - Arthur (#604) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W. Aims High/Flaw and Order" - Arthur (#1005) 12:30 am
"The Election/Francine Goes to War" - Arthur (#506) 4:30 pm
"The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came to Dinner" - Arthur (#405) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The Election/Francine Goes to War" - Arthur (#506) 12:30 am
"The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came to Dinner" - Arthur (#405) 4:30 pm
"Meek for a Week/Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper" - Arthur (#117) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came to Dinner" - Arthur (#405) 12:30 am
"Arthur and the Big Riddle/Double Dare" - Arthur (#501) 4:30 pm
"Sue Ellen Gets Her Goose Cooked/Best of the Nest" - Arthur (#601) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Arthur and the Big Riddle/Double Dare" - Arthur (#501) 12:30 am
"The Curse of the Grebes/Arthur Changes Gears" - Arthur (#1006) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"The Curse of the Grebes/Arthur Changes Gears" - Arthur (#1006) 12:30 am
"D.W. Aims High/Flaw and Order" - Arthur (#1005) 4:30 pm
"Sue Ellen Gets Her Goose Cooked/Best of the Nest" - Arthur (#601) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W. Aims High/Flaw and Order" - Arthur (#1005) 12:30 am
"The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came to Dinner" - Arthur (#405) 4:30 pm
"Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest/D.W. Flips" - Arthur (#116) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The Blizzard/The Rat Who Came to Dinner" - Arthur (#405) 12:30 am
"Unfinished/D.W., Bossy Boots" - Arthur (#1007) 4:30 pm
"Prunella's Special Edition/The Secret Life of Dogs & Babies" - Arthur (#603) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Unfinished/D.W., Bossy Boots" - Arthur (#1007) 12:30 am
"The Last of Mary Moo Cow/Bitzi's Beau" - Arthur (#508) 4:30 pm
"Arthur's Family Vacation/Grandpa Dave's Old Country Farm" - Arthur (#115) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The Last of Mary Moo Cow/Bitzi's Beau" - Arthur (#508) 12:30 am
"Do You Speak George?/World Girls" - Arthur (#1009) 4:30 pm
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Do You Speak George?/World Girls" - Arthur (#1009) 12:30 am
"Sleep No More/Pet Peeved" - Arthur (#507) 4:30 pm
"Arthur The Wrecker/Arthur and the True Francine" - Arthur (#114) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Sleep No More/Pet Peeved" - Arthur (#507) 12:30 am
"What's Cooking?/Buster's Special Delivery" - Arthur (#1010) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"What's Cooking?/Buster's Special Delivery" - Arthur (#1010) 12:30 am
"The Last of Mary Moo Cow/Bitzi's Beau" - Arthur (#508) 4:30 pm
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 8:00 pm
"Arthur The Wrecker/Arthur and the True Francine" - Arthur (#114) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The Last of Mary Moo Cow/Bitzi's Beau" - Arthur (#508) 12:30 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 4:00 am
"Do You Speak George?/World Girls" - Arthur (#1009) 4:30 pm
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 8:00 pm
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Do You Speak George?/World Girls" - Arthur (#1009) 12:30 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 4:00 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 4:30 pm
"Ants In Arthur's Pants/Don't Ask Muffy" - Arthur (#703) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 12:30 am
"Phony Fern/Brain's Shocking Secret" - Arthur (#1104) 4:30 pm
"Flea to Be You and Me/Kiss and Tell" - Arthur (#809) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Phony Fern/Brain's Shocking Secret" - Arthur (#1104) 12:30 am
"Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery/Strangers on a Train" - Arthur (#1105) 4:30 pm
"Francine's Split Decision/Muffy Goes Metropolitan" - Arthur (#702) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery/Strangers on a Train" - Arthur (#1105) 12:30 am
"Arthur's Family Feud/Muffy Gets Mature" - Arthur (#510) 4:30 pm
"Arthur's Family Feud/Muffy Gets Mature" - Arthur (#510) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Arthur's Family Feud/Muffy Gets Mature" - Arthur (#510) 12:30 am
"Flea to Be You and Me/Kiss and Tell" - Arthur (#809) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"Flea to Be You and Me/Kiss and Tell" - Arthur (#809) 12:30 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 4:30 pm
"Arthur's Family Feud/Muffy Gets Mature" - Arthur (#510) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 12:30 am
"Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery/Strangers on a Train" - Arthur (#1105) 4:30 pm
"Francine's Split Decision/Muffy Goes Metropolitan" - Arthur (#702) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery/Strangers on a Train" - Arthur (#1105) 12:30 am
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 4:30 pm
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 12:30 am
"Buenas Noches, Vicita/Prunella Packs It In" - Arthur (#1103) 4:30 pm
"Phony Fern/Brain's Shocking Secret" - Arthur (#1104) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Buenas Noches, Vicita/Prunella Packs It In" - Arthur (#1103) 12:30 am
"Just Desserts/The Big Dig" - Arthur (#509) 4:30 pm
"Flea to Be You and Me/Kiss and Tell" - Arthur (#809) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Just Desserts/The Big Dig" - Arthur (#509) 12:30 am
"Flea to Be You and Me/Kiss and Tell" - Arthur (#809) 4:30 pm
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Flea to Be You and Me/Kiss and Tell" - Arthur (#809) 12:30 am
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 12:30 am
"Flea to Be You and Me/Kiss and Tell" - Arthur (#809) 4:30 pm
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Flea to Be You and Me/Kiss and Tell" - Arthur (#809) 12:30 am
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 4:30 pm
"Buenas Noches, Vicita/Prunella Packs It In" - Arthur (#1103) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Buster's Secret Admirer/The Last King of Lambland" - Arthur (#1503) 12:30 am
"Arthur Sells Out/Mind Your Manners" - Arthur (#1102) 4:30 pm
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Arthur Sells Out/Mind Your Manners" - Arthur (#1102) 12:30 am
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 4:30 pm
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 12:30 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 4:30 pm
"Arthur Sells Out/Mind Your Manners" - Arthur (#1102) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 12:30 am
"Francine's Pilfered Paper/Buster Gets Real" - Arthur (#1108) 4:30 pm
"Big Brother Binky, Parts I & II" - Arthur (#1110) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Francine's Pilfered Paper/Buster Gets Real" - Arthur (#1108) 12:30 am
"Swept Away/Germophobia" - Arthur (#1101) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"Swept Away/Germophobia" - Arthur (#1101) 12:30 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 4:30 pm
"Big Brother Binky, Parts I & II" - Arthur (#1110) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 12:30 am
"Francine's Pilfered Paper/Buster Gets Real" - Arthur (#1108) 4:30 pm
"Swept Away/Germophobia" - Arthur (#1101) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Francine's Pilfered Paper/Buster Gets Real" - Arthur (#1108) 12:30 am
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 3:30 pm
"Muffy Misses Out/Arthur Takes A Stand" - Arthur (#2104) 11:30 pm
"Francine's Pilfered Paper/Buster Gets Real" - Arthur (#1108) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Cast Away/The Great Sock Mystery" - Arthur (#701) 4:30 pm
"Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery/Strangers on a Train" - Arthur (#1105) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Cast Away/The Great Sock Mystery" - Arthur (#701) 12:30 am
"The Making of Arthur/Dancing Fools" - Arthur (#1106) 4:30 pm
"Cast Away/The Great Sock Mystery" - Arthur (#701) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The Making of Arthur/Dancing Fools" - Arthur (#1106) 12:30 am
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 4:30 pm
"The Making of Arthur/Dancing Fools" - Arthur (#1106) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 12:30 am
"Big Brother Binky, Part I/Big Brother Binky, Part II" - Arthur (#1110) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"Big Brother Binky, Part I/Big Brother Binky, Part II" - Arthur (#1110) 12:30 am
"Cast Away/The Great Sock Mystery" - Arthur (#701) 4:30 pm
"The Making of Arthur/Dancing Fools" - Arthur (#1106) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Cast Away/The Great Sock Mystery" - Arthur (#701) 12:30 am
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 4:30 pm
"Arthurs Toy Trouble/Spar for the Course" - Arthur (#1903) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W. On Ice/Spoiled Rotten!" - Arthur (#1109) 12:30 am
"D.W.'s Time Trouble/Buster's Amish Mismatch" - Arthur (#707) 4:30 pm
"Buster Isn't Buying It/One Ornery Critter" - Arthur (#1905) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W.'s Time Trouble/Buster's Amish Mismatch" - Arthur (#707) 12:30 am
"D.W.S New Best Friend/Freaky Tuesday" - Arthur (#2403) 4:30 pm
"D.W.'s Time Trouble/Buster's Amish Mismatch" - Arthur (#707) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W.S New Best Friend/Freaky Tuesday" - Arthur (#2403) 12:30 am
"Flippity Francine/Muffy Takes The Wheel" - Arthur (#1602) 4:30 pm
"Carls Concerto/Too Much of a Good Thing" - Arthur (#1907) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Flippity Francine/Muffy Takes The Wheel" - Arthur (#1602) 12:30 am
"Ants In Arthur's Pants/Don't Ask Muffy" - Arthur (#703) 4:30 pm
"The World of Tomorrow/Is There A Doctor in the House?" - Arthur (#708) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Ants In Arthur's Pants/Don't Ask Muffy" - Arthur (#703) 12:30 am
"Francine's Split Decision/Muffy Goes Metropolitan" - Arthur (#702) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"Francine's Split Decision/Muffy Goes Metropolitan" - Arthur (#702) 12:30 am
"D.W.'s Time Trouble/Buster's Amish Mismatch" - Arthur (#707) 4:30 pm
"The World of Tomorrow/Is There A Doctor in the House?" - Arthur (#708) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"D.W.'s Time Trouble/Buster's Amish Mismatch" - Arthur (#707) 12:30 am
"Flippity Francine/Muffy Takes The Wheel" - Arthur (#1602) 4:30 pm
"Carried Away/Dueling Detectives" - Arthur (#1904) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Flippity Francine/Muffy Takes The Wheel" - Arthur (#1602) 12:30 am
"Based on a True Story (Part 1 & 2)" - Arthur (#1601) 4:30 pm
"Maria Speaks/Postcards from Binky" - Arthur (#1906) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Based on a True Story (Part 1 & 2)" - Arthur (#1601) 12:30 am
"To Tibble The Truth/Waiting to Go" - Arthur (#704) 4:30 pm
"Pick A Car, Any Car/Jenna's Bedtime Blues" - Arthur (#706) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"To Tibble The Truth/Waiting to Go" - Arthur (#704) 12:30 am
"The Great Macgrady, Parts 1 & 2" - Arthur (#2402) 4:30 pm
"Mr. Ratburns Secret Identity/Besties" - Arthur (#1909) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The Great Macgrady, Parts 1 & 2" - Arthur (#2402) 12:30 am
"Get Smart/Baby Steps" - Arthur (#1604) 4:30 pm
"Sue Ellen Adds It Up/Wish You Were Here" - Arthur (#1902) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Get Smart/Baby Steps" - Arthur (#1604) 12:30 am
"The World of Tomorrow/Is There A Doctor in the House?" - Arthur (#708) 4:30 pm
KIDS (5)
"The World of Tomorrow/Is There A Doctor in the House?" - Arthur (#708) 12:30 am
"Based on a True Story (Part 1 & 2)" - Arthur (#1601) 4:30 pm
"Sue Ellen Adds It Up/Wish You Were Here" - Arthur (#1902) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"Based on a True Story (Part 1 & 2)" - Arthur (#1601) 12:30 am
"The Great Macgrady, Parts 1 & 2" - Arthur (#2402) 4:30 pm
"Fernfern and the Secret of Moose Mountain/Thanks A lot, Binky" - Arthur (#802) 6:30 am
KIDS (5)
"The Great Macgrady, Parts 1 & 2" - Arthur (#2402) 12:30 am
"Elwood City Turns 100! (Parts I & II)" - Arthur (#705) 4:30 pm